\In September, the consortium of DiGi YOUTH 2.0 traveled to Slovakia for the first Joint Staff training of the project.
During the Joint Staff Training participants had the opportunity to:
Pilot themselves on the platform and get informed regarding the newly upgraded platform that will be available shortly.
Present and discuss the project's current findings and outcomes.
Learn about the emerging AI environment and explore good and best practices.
Be updated on the next steps of the project.
DiGi YOUTH 2.0 aims to raise the capacities of youth workers and organizations to work effectively in the digital environment and be well-prepared for the challenges it includes while creating new tools for innovative digital youth work.
Follow us on our Social Media:
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/digiyouth_com/
Website https://digi-youth.com/#/en/ and be updated on everything that is happening on DiGi YOUTH 2.0.
