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Simulations and games as learning tools

Druhy materiálov

Video, Quiz, Podcast

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O kurze

This topic explores how simulations and learning games transform youth work by creating dynamic and immersive learning experiences. These tools engage young minds, foster collaboration and critical thinking, and provide personalized learning opportunities. From practical scenarios to virtual simulations, simulations and learning games empower young people, making learning an exciting adventure in various youth work settings.

Váš inštruktor

Raya Tsvetkova , Ali Honaramiz

Raya Tsvetkova and Ali Honaramiz have a combined 10 years of experience in the field of simulation based learning.

Raya Tsvetkova , Ali Honaramiz

This audiobook provides insights into ethics that applies to youth work in the digital space. It introduces you into main terms, concepts, rules, and issues. Some of them may be already subject to legal action due to the criminal nature of the behaviour. Although it’s focused on youth workers, the content is useful for young people as well.

Quiz on Simulations Games

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Tento projekt bol financovaný z programu Európskej únie Erasmus+ na základe grantovej zmluvy KA220-YOU-5B3F9504 a 2019-3-SK02-KA205-002312. Obsah tejto platformy predstavuje iba názory autorov a je ich výhradnou zodpovednosťou. Európska komisia nepreberá žiadnu zodpovednosť za použitie informácií obsiahnutých v tejto platforme.

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